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The Chevrolet Corvette Pace Car Registry
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2007 IPL 500 Festival Parade

2007 marked the 50th Anniversary of the Indianapolis 500 Festival Committee and Parade, and Corvette was there! The 2007 Festival theme was "Spirit and Speed". More than 300,000 spectators kicked-off race weekend while enjoying time with family and friends by watching the pageantry and larger-than-life floats light up the city.


The 2007 Grand Marshal was Indianapolis Colts Quarterback and Super Bowl XLI Most Valuable Player Peyton Manning. Nationally-known celebrities, costumed characters, marching bands, patriotic units, specialty units, spectacular floats and giant helium balloons filled the streets to celebrate the world's largest single-day sporting event, the Indianapolis 500.


The mission of the 500 Festival is to produce events and programs that celebrate the success of the Indianapolis 500 Mile Race and enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Indiana and their guests. These events and programs, produced largely by volunteers, enhance the image of our city and state by showcasing our cultural, educational, and social benefits to the world.

Thirty Seven Pace Car replica Corvettes were in the Parade and carried the starting drivers, several dignitaries, and their guests.

The Circle City Corvette club also had a large contingent of Corvettes in the parade (pictured below)!

Below are some photos contributed by Registry member LaVelle Hunt. If you are an owner of one of the Corvettes used in the Parade and would like to see if he has a photo of your car, he can be reached at ldhunt99@comcast.net.